Saturday, 9 March 2013

Come and SEE

Here is the Vocation Blog: Come and SEE
This will show you the way, the Bridge you have to cross to go to the Other Shore  of completely dedicated life to the loving service of the needy human beings. No body can push you to cross the bridge.
The way is clear and so come and SEE
from Vocation promoters of Jesuits in Gujarat. Greetings
phone No.

You have called me Lord! A Vocation prayer

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Dr Kalam on Jesuits

Indian president A P J Abdul Kalam praised the contribution of the Jesuits in the field of education in his opening speech at the 6th Jesuit Alumni World Congress in Calcutta recently. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a prominent Hindu organization had called for the president to withdraw from involvement in the event because, it said, his presence would "legitimize the Jesuits' activities in India". He alleged the Jesuits were a "violent Christian organization." Fr Lisbert D'Souza, Jesuit provincial of South Asia, said the Congress was a meeting, not of Christians or Jesuits, but of former Jesuit students, many of them Hindus. Meanwhile President Kalam said in his speech on January 21: "The Jesuits are doing something holy, something sacroscant by working in the field of education ... Education gives one the ultimate human value ... They have made excellent contributions not only in India but the world over." The president also talked about his own education in a Jesuit institution, St Joseph's College in Tiruchirapalli, paying tribute to two teachers who shaped him. He said that education should take students beyond religion, recalling that his own father was the chief of the village mosque while enjoying the friendship of a local Jesuit parish priest and a priest who was a Sanskrit scholar. [Source: Indian Express] Jesuit USA news, January 29, 2003

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Vocation Promotion


Gujarat Province of the Society of Jesus

"..every Jesuit and every community should be 'promoters of vocations', and ... it is necessary to consider vocation promotion 'by contagion', which is derived from the coherence and the testimony of our lives as 'companions of Jesus'. Less timidity is seen to be necessary in planting in young people the question of the possible call of the Lord, and not being afraid to present the vocation to the Society with all its requirements. We must be more energetic and assertive in asking young people that they think about the religious life; we have been too passive for too long."  (News & Features, General Curia S.J.)

Courtesy: Jesuit Treasury - Fr Hedwig Lewis SJ

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Call - the Voice "in Here"

The Voice “in Here”
By Chris Lowney

The Hebrew prophet Elijah finds God speaking…. We’re told that Elijah witnessed a “great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces.” But Elijah perceived that “the Lord was not in the wind,” or in the earthquake or fires that followed. Instead, later on, there was a “sound of sheer silence.” And Elijah heard God speak out of that silence. Those of us who heard this story as children may remember the poetic King James language for this encounter—Elijah heard God’s “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:11–13).
Perhaps, if we attune ourselves to hearing that still, small voice, we will find it whispered all around us and, more important, from within us. As the Quaker minister Parker Palmer put it, “Vocation does not come from a voice ‘out there’ calling me to become something I am not. It comes from a voice ‘in here’ calling me to be the person I was born to be, to fulfill the original selfhood given me at birth by God.”